Moderateur Global
- Inscrit
- 18 Janvier 2012
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- #1
Bonjour à tous et à toutes
Je vous présente la Mysterious AOKP Unofficial BIONIC LINARO Nightly
pour le Galaxy S2 i9100 / i9100P
AOKP 4.2.2 pour le Galaxy S2 i9100
La Mysterious ROM is a ROM est basée sur Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
Elle existe pour le Nexus 4 et Nexus 7 ainsi que pour les Samsung I9100, I9100G, Samsung I9300 et les Maguro, Tilapia, Hercules, Toro, Manta.
Le CWM Recovery 6.x
Si ce n'est pas le cas, installez un
correspondant à votre version Android
* Copier le fichier Temp_CWM6.zip sur votre carte Sd
* Démarrer en Recovery Stock
* Update zip from Sdcard
* Choisir Temp_CWM6.zip
Installation de la ROM
* Copier les fichiers de la Rom et les Gapps à la racine de votre carte SD
* Démarrer en CWM Recovery
* Wipe Factory Reset
* Wipe Cache Partition
* Wipe Dalvik Cache
* Format System
* Format Data
* Format Cache
* Flash de la Mysterious
* Flash des Gapps
* Wipe Dalvik
* Fix Permissions
* Wipe Cache Partition
* Reboot
Si vous insttallez cette ROM sur un i9100P, vous perdrez la fonction NFC.
Vous pourrez alors la récupérer facilement en suivant ce
Liens de téléchargement
Credits / Remerciements
Thanks to AOKP team :
Thanks to Banks, Faux, etc...
(Merci a Mysterious-Rom)
Je vous présente la Mysterious AOKP Unofficial BIONIC LINARO Nightly
pour le Galaxy S2 i9100 / i9100P
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
AOKP 4.2.2 pour le Galaxy S2 i9100
La Mysterious ROM is a ROM est basée sur Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
Elle existe pour le Nexus 4 et Nexus 7 ainsi que pour les Samsung I9100, I9100G, Samsung I9300 et les Maguro, Tilapia, Hercules, Toro, Manta.
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
Added Linaro
So fast !
Added Bionic optimizations :
Originally Posted by morfic
bionic is the "libc" of android, there are hardware optimized memcpy/memset and a few others for cortex-a9 and/or armv7-a, but also others specifically for krait, using those instead of stock bionic versions perform the same job a lot better than the more generic versions in aosp.
That affects memory throughput significantly and anything where you move data and need memory throughput using those functions will benefit from it.
there are other (math) functions that can be optimized more for the particular hardware
08/04/2013 :
bluedroid: ifdef DEFAULT_SBC_BITRATE
Lockscreen: Remove Minimize lockscreen challenge from tabs/phabs
services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects.
NavBar: Add collapsePanels() to notification navbar target
Restart SystemUI to change Signal/WiFi clusters when text selected
Grouper/Tilapia: Define BOARD_A2DP_USE_MID_SBC_BITRATE
Toggles: Alphabetize order
Update Grouper fingerprint
Fix SMTP RFC violation for better interoperability
Allow USB notification to show when primary SD allows UMS and MTP
Switch to mtp as default rather than mass storage
StatusbarToggles: fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
SystemUI: Add LongClick to FastCharge Toggle
aokpclock: clock hands based on unicorn horns!! and 2 new dials
Frameworks: Customizable Softkeys
New APP in Other !
Lockscreen: readd option to unlock with longpress on lock icon
apns-conf: add T-Mobile US LTE
add more devs! (2013 edition)
Remove BasicSmsReceiver to avoid duplicate notifications
NavRing: fix icon size
Overhaul CMDProcessor to fix deadlock and allow redirection
Install persistence support
Frameworks: Customizable Softkeys
evita: Switch menu key to recents
evita: Enable softkey customization options in ROM Control overlay
Add ASCII AOKP cog to welcome message
policy: instantiate the Handler on the UI thread
ROMControl: Customizable Softkeys
Revert "a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h"
Revert "libbt-hci: include bdroid_buildcfg.h from device repo"
Break Superuser Anti(Android)
New unlock logic for lockscreen
Pause drawing when not visible
Fix memory leak when creating
SystemUI: Reboot Toggle
SystemUI: Screenshot Toggle
FW: New unlock logic for lockscreen
disable camera sounds
envsetup: Add pstest
libbt-hci: include bdroid_buildcfg.h
a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h
Update Straight Talk ATT MMS proxy
apns-conf: add T-Mobile US LTE
String Edits Part 3
Add ASCII AOKP cog to welcome message
Polish translation updated
28/03/2013 :
Fix resource leak: When call MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource
Allow calls to su on nonDebug builds
(Optionally) Break Superuser Anti(Android)
Allow enabling WebSockets from Labs Preferences
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework).
FW: add spacers to Traditional Toggles.
Mms: added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages
manifest: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
String Edits Part 3
Break Superuser fixed
Squash increasing volume for alarm commits
aokp: add Sony Xperia V
Framework: CustomToggle
Settings: Increasing ring volume
Breathing SMS Notification
IPhone: Add Ring Delay feature
Runtime enablement of WebGL
Base: Increasing ring volume
Added flip and shake to snooze
27/03/2013 :
FM Radio: avoid deadlock when disabling RDS
FM Radio: do not try to change thread priority
FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
Mms: added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages
aokp: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
manifest: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
build: fix device assertionsAOKP/packages_apps_ROMControl
Ability to hide Volume State toggles in Power Menu (Frameworks Part)
Ability to hide Volume State toggles in Power Menu (RC Part)
Remove background from traditional toggle layouts
Allow enabling WebSockets from Labs Preferences
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (WebKit)
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework)
Tuna: Adjust scrollable toggle dimens
FW: add spacers to Traditional Toggles.
SystemUI: Screenshot Toggle
SystemUI: Reboot ToggleBrandon McAnsh
Break Superuser Anti(Android)
Settings: Increasing ring volume
fmradio: use caf namingArnav Gupta (championswimmer)
fmradio: cleanup QCOM_HARDWARE/STE_FM defs and ifdef
FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
Base: Increasing ring volume
22/03/2013 :
ROMControl: Break Superuser fixed
Framework: Squash increasing volume for alarm commits
Framework: CustomToggle
Settings: Increasing ring volume
SystemUI: Breathing SMS Notification
ROMControl: CustomToggle
Phone: Add Ring Delay feature
Base: Increasing ring volume
Vendor : Added flip and shake to snooze
Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code.
ROMControl : Overhaul NavBar buttons UI
20/03/2013 :
ROMControl: CustomToggle
Framework: CustomToggle
ROMControl: Added flip and shake to snooze
ROMControl: Add superuser to Quick Links
SystemUI: Reboot ToggleBrandon McAnsh
Framework : Allow user selection of Font Size
Framework : Status Bar Hide toggle
ROMControl : Allow user selectable StatusBar FontSize
Vendor : Status Bar Hide toggle
ROMControl : Status Bar Hide toggle
bluedroid: ifdef DEFAULT_SBC_BITRATE
Lockscreen: Remove Minimize lockscreen challenge from tabs/phabs
services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects.
NavBar: Add collapsePanels() to notification navbar target
Restart SystemUI to change Signal/WiFi clusters when text selected
Grouper/Tilapia: Define BOARD_A2DP_USE_MID_SBC_BITRATE
Toggles: Alphabetize order
Update Grouper fingerprint
Fix SMTP RFC violation for better interoperability
Allow USB notification to show when primary SD allows UMS and MTP
Switch to mtp as default rather than mass storage
StatusbarToggles: fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
SystemUI: Add LongClick to FastCharge Toggle
aokpclock: clock hands based on unicorn horns!! and 2 new dials
Frameworks: Customizable Softkeys
New APP in Other !
Lockscreen: readd option to unlock with longpress on lock icon
apns-conf: add T-Mobile US LTE
add more devs! (2013 edition)
Remove BasicSmsReceiver to avoid duplicate notifications
NavRing: fix icon size
Overhaul CMDProcessor to fix deadlock and allow redirection
Install persistence support
Frameworks: Customizable Softkeys
evita: Switch menu key to recents
evita: Enable softkey customization options in ROM Control overlay
Add ASCII AOKP cog to welcome message
policy: instantiate the Handler on the UI thread
ROMControl: Customizable Softkeys
Revert "a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h"
Revert "libbt-hci: include bdroid_buildcfg.h from device repo"
Break Superuser Anti(Android)
New unlock logic for lockscreen
Pause drawing when not visible
Fix memory leak when creating
SystemUI: Reboot Toggle
SystemUI: Screenshot Toggle
FW: New unlock logic for lockscreen
disable camera sounds
envsetup: Add pstest
libbt-hci: include bdroid_buildcfg.h
a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h
Update Straight Talk ATT MMS proxy
apns-conf: add T-Mobile US LTE
String Edits Part 3
Add ASCII AOKP cog to welcome message
Polish translation updated
28/03/2013 :
Fix resource leak: When call MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource
Allow calls to su on nonDebug builds
(Optionally) Break Superuser Anti(Android)
Allow enabling WebSockets from Labs Preferences
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework).
FW: add spacers to Traditional Toggles.
Mms: added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages
manifest: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
String Edits Part 3
Break Superuser fixed
Squash increasing volume for alarm commits
aokp: add Sony Xperia V
Framework: CustomToggle
Settings: Increasing ring volume
Breathing SMS Notification
IPhone: Add Ring Delay feature
Runtime enablement of WebGL
Base: Increasing ring volume
Added flip and shake to snooze
27/03/2013 :
FM Radio: avoid deadlock when disabling RDS
FM Radio: do not try to change thread priority
FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
Mms: added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages
aokp: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
manifest: add Sony Xperia V and Xperia T
build: fix device assertionsAOKP/packages_apps_ROMControl
Ability to hide Volume State toggles in Power Menu (Frameworks Part)
Ability to hide Volume State toggles in Power Menu (RC Part)
Remove background from traditional toggle layouts
Allow enabling WebSockets from Labs Preferences
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (WebKit)
[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework)
Tuna: Adjust scrollable toggle dimens
FW: add spacers to Traditional Toggles.
SystemUI: Screenshot Toggle
SystemUI: Reboot ToggleBrandon McAnsh
Break Superuser Anti(Android)
Settings: Increasing ring volume
fmradio: use caf namingArnav Gupta (championswimmer)
fmradio: cleanup QCOM_HARDWARE/STE_FM defs and ifdef
FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
Base: Increasing ring volume
22/03/2013 :
ROMControl: Break Superuser fixed
Framework: Squash increasing volume for alarm commits
Framework: CustomToggle
Settings: Increasing ring volume
SystemUI: Breathing SMS Notification
ROMControl: CustomToggle
Phone: Add Ring Delay feature
Base: Increasing ring volume
Vendor : Added flip and shake to snooze
Fix FC when trying to adjust radio band via *#*#4636#*#* dialer code.
ROMControl : Overhaul NavBar buttons UI
20/03/2013 :
ROMControl: CustomToggle
Framework: CustomToggle
ROMControl: Added flip and shake to snooze
ROMControl: Add superuser to Quick Links
SystemUI: Reboot ToggleBrandon McAnsh
Framework : Allow user selection of Font Size
Framework : Status Bar Hide toggle
ROMControl : Allow user selectable StatusBar FontSize
Vendor : Status Bar Hide toggle
ROMControl : Status Bar Hide toggle
Le CWM Recovery 6.x
Si ce n'est pas le cas, installez un
correspondant à votre version Android
* Copier le fichier Temp_CWM6.zip sur votre carte Sd
* Démarrer en Recovery Stock
* Update zip from Sdcard
* Choisir Temp_CWM6.zip
Installation de la ROM
* Copier les fichiers de la Rom et les Gapps à la racine de votre carte SD
* Démarrer en CWM Recovery
* Wipe Factory Reset
* Wipe Cache Partition
* Wipe Dalvik Cache
* Format System
* Format Data
* Format Cache
* Flash de la Mysterious
* Flash des Gapps
* Wipe Dalvik
* Fix Permissions
* Wipe Cache Partition
* Reboot
Si vous insttallez cette ROM sur un i9100P, vous perdrez la fonction NFC.
Vous pourrez alors la récupérer facilement en suivant ce
Liens de téléchargement
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
Credits / Remerciements
Thanks to AOKP team :
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
Thanks to Banks, Faux, etc...
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
(Merci a Mysterious-Rom)