[Rom Custom][7.1.2] CrDroid-V3.7- officielle - Lux - By Lohanbarth

  • Auteur de la discussion lohanbarth
  • Date de début


  • #1

Comment Installer la ROM CUSTOM CrDroid-V3.7-7.1.2 ?

Moto X PLAY Lux

Avertissement : Cette opération comporte des risques. Ni moi ni Phonandroid ne peuvent être tenu responsables des éventuels problèmes rencontrés. Pensez à effectuer une sauvegarde avant d'installer cette rom!!
Merci a @ MOI
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !

Rom -->
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
( la rom et deja rooté :) )

OPenGapps -->
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !

  1. Connectez votre mobile à votre ordinateur.

  2. Copiez/collez le fichier .zip de la rom et les gapps sur votre téléphone

  3. Éteignez votre mobile.

  4. Redémarrez votre mobile en Recovery.

  5. Faites une sauvegarde de votre système actuel en choisissant Backup

  6. Effectuez un Factory Reset / Wipe Cache /Wipe Dalvik/ART/Wipe system/Wipe Data

  7. Cliquez sur -->>Install -> rechercher le zip désiré -> sélectionnez le -> et faites glissez de la gauche vers la droite pour l'installer : Swipe to confirm flash (pas la peine de refaire les wipes entre le fichier zip de la rom et les gapps)

  8. Allez ensuite dans le menu "Reboot" du recovery et sélectionnez "Reboot system"

  9. Patientez, votre mobile va redémarrer avec la nouvelle rom.

S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !


* android/
79f4fac manifest: Track v8

* packages/apps/Email/
ea4eb75 Adjust Email UnitTests to e353ae2ea19c9ea800d10b37e05de7b0ea1aeeb4

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
93bcb4c Gallery2: support GIF animation

* packages/apps/Jelly/
22cb565 Implement history management through a ContentProvider.

* packages/apps/Terminal/
5856a60 Terminal: Fix keyboard Ctrl- and ALT-key input.

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
f2108eb 3.4
83d09f1 shamu: Update to crDroid v3.4
bca2731 Update m8, m8d, deb & flo
2c47bda update op3 & ks01lte
c931a81 Update sailfish, angler & bullhead
ddf3113 Update to v3.4
592e85d Update marlin.


* android/
86e6426 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* build/
a972c18 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* external/chromium-webview/
2909904 Update webviews

* external/v8/
126eb3c Merge V8
264075b Add a script to help automate V8 updates.

* frameworks/base/
1f5e19e Merge pull request #22 from lilymaniac/7.1-ko
92a10df Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* frameworks/native/
63ab235 Fix a anr bug caused by sendFinishedSignal logical error
af07d07 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1
ee9d431 Revert "binder: remove cgroup interactions"

* libcore/
990cbc4 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/DUI/
40425d6 Pulse: Navbar left in landscape support

* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
dacf1d9 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/FMRadio/
05f9934 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/Messaging/
bd6dc5f Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
4268ea1 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/Settings/
d9e0550 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/SlimRecents/
dc6e3e2 Close recents panel after drag-cards-for-multiwindow action

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
5d94d23 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
792180a Merge pull request #62 from beroid/7.1
5ec71be crdroid: Update RU translations

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
67fdf8a Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* system/core/
ba47bb7 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* vendor/addons/
9712ac2 addons: Update Turbo from angler N2G47W

* vendor/cm/
7d9af16 crDroid v3.4
4ac59c2 crdroid: Disable cLock widget for now

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
06350a9 crackling: Update to 3.4
a9be189 update herolte & hero2lte to build crDroidAndroid-7.1.2-20170607
8ee570c added coolpad note 3 lite to ota support


* android/
90d2205 manifest: android-7.1.2_r8 -> android-7.1.2_r17

* build/
d004945 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* frameworks/base/
2a9db95 QS: Remove listeners only if added
be60ef1 Add Korean translation
a1a62467 Slim Recents: allow to disable round corners for cards [1/3]
77163a2 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* frameworks/native/
1eed077 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* kernel/motorola/msm8916/
9fc2b0c ipv6: Prevent overrun when parsing v6 header options
61956b1 ipv6/dccp: do not inherit ipv6_mc_list from parent
63182a7 sctp: do not inherit ipv6_{mc|ac|fl}_list from parent
868e618 ipv6: fix out of bound writes in __ip6_append_data()
de2e1ab7 msm-core: debug: Update the number of supported pstates
e091f99 msm-core: debug: Fix the number of arguments for sysfs nodes
4deb7fb ASoC: msm: initialize the params array before using it
3fff168 msm: sensor: validating the flash initialization parameters
1737f86 qseecom: add mutex around qseecom_set_client_mem_param
77eeb15 msm: mdss: Fix invalid dma attachment during fb shutdown
eda6122 ASoC: Add backend user count checking
332ddcd input: touchscreen: remove msg21xx mstar touch driver

* libcore/
b162f5e Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
9d274ac BluetoothOppTransferActivity: fix after ad46f6a52d7240ed1e2127c4263a5cbcf454df09
9efb588 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
95cb32b Increase the size of the tiles when decoding images

* packages/apps/Jelly/
e28fd6c Jelly: Add HTTP auth login support

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
3ddceec Settings: Implement ADB over network
bf8bc80 Settings: Add intent to launch LineageOS platlogo upon multiple taps
0165eb8 settings: Add advanced reboot switch
e1c67c5 Settings: Set root access options appropriately
253b262 settings: Add developer setting for root access
f4e82a3 Use more descriptive strings for add accessory page
3733c2b About: Add LineageOS Updates
0fe2e3b Add build date (ro.build.date from build.prop) to About screen.
18c18a9 One does not simply become a Developer
34001b8 Add LineageOS version to the About screen

* packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
1d08b9a Slim Recents: allow to disable round corners for cards [3/3]

* system/bt/
aa31852 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* system/core/
5e54c5f libcutils: fix schedboost after 31f78ddf4ea2ab7963d873cb16db98e976346468
14bdeb8 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r17' into cm-14.1

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
20c4b73 update G5,mako and pme to 3.3

* vendor/motorola/
29a6b26 shamu: update blobs from N6F27E factory image


* external/stagefright-plugins/
05bf4e7 ffmpeg-extractor: StageFright supports Opus files
11bc5a2 Revert "FFmpegExtractor: Don't use our extractor when we agree with StageFright"

* frameworks/base/
3506fc2 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1
4f07a6b SystemUI: Remove trailing whitespace on high_accuracy_description
c9e4d80 StorageManager: Improve exception handling
2b7fd52 Add support for page theme color to WebView and WebChromeClient.

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
92fa2ea Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-04700-8x96.0' into HEAD

* packages/apps/AudioFX/
6850778 AudioFX: Sign with platform key

* packages/apps/Jelly/
7ac5399 Add support for WebViews that provide the site's theme color.

* packages/apps/SlimRecents/
0ffebc4 Slim Recents: allow to disable round corners for cards [2/3]

* packages/services/Telephony/
d37b57e Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1
6ba71dd VoicemailSettingsActivity: Fix some NPEs

* vendor/cm/
2cd66d9 fix check_blacklist function to work on wiped /system partition
67b3420 sensitive_pn: Add sensitive numbers for Serbia

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
0012d39 update G3 and G2 to 3.3
36e74d3 ks01lte update


* android/
c359c24 manifest: Track zlib

* art/
d23f0bf art: Support more variants of ARM

* external/zlib/
b410491 Revert "zlib: Fix implicit declaration of mkdir(const char* dirname, int chmod)"
63bcaf9 zlib: Remove usage of cpu directive in inline asm
2b4d36d minizip: Clean up the code
3b77771 zlib: Fix build under M

* frameworks/base/
fccae76 Optimised hwui rounded corners shader
538e40c Reduce hwui CPU time by using glDrawRangeElements
836f968 Recents: Rename drawables for lock icon
6c66a2a Fix batterySendBroadcast not synchronized issue.
fa9193f bless python versions newer than 2.6
f9ff170 Handle ActivityNotFoundException for contacts activity
7ad4c16 extend PreferenceActivity for title text on a single pane mode
dcc558b Override onRestoreInstanceState() in MultiSelectListPreference
c2fda7a Fragment animations are not being saved across configuration changes
0807f57 Fix to NullPointerException when activity is relaunched
6b99c16 Fix right mLastTimeUsed when aggregate UsageStats
38e3310 Fix ListView is not scrolled properly with arrows
4062a22 Synchronize access of mSubscriptions
d42b88d Fix deadlock b/w ActivityManagerService and MediaSessionService
8792fb6 Provide synchronization to setview to avoid NPE
10e3020 AsyncTask: Fix to remove canceled tasks from executor's queue.
e36cdc2 frameworks/base: Fix to avoid crash when the tab is not set from app
197ef77 IInputMethodWrapper to recycle SomeArgs in all cases.
efcf44d Catch corruptexception during Transaction operation
5b78f19 better notification speed change
ed3e66d Adjusted animation timing
9c03353 Fix TaskRecord wrong dump element firstActiveTime
53d9f2b Fix force idle issue
51aae73 Make the view more compact and show more entries per page
22ce8de Fix lag when opening an entry from the Settings left drawer
409cfc6 Update font size of date and time on QS panel
c93a94d StorageManager: Improve exception handling
d803808 Fix code-style around notification ranker service in AndroidManifest.xml
2e580ca Fix issue
61cd5aa set the resultTo to null started by a finishing activity

* frameworks/native/
2f916bf vulkan: add support for AArch32 targets

* packages/apps/Contacts/
3c4a8b5 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
9ff346d Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/DUI/
43140ad SmartBar: Touch sound support

* packages/apps/Dialer/
e37b2ba Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
81a2dc9 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
e6ce193 Allow using grid style aosp recents [2/2]

* packages/services/Telecomm/
18e0fe6 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/services/Telephony/
5ae4f22 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* system/core/
f8582fd sdcard: switch sdcardfs over to bind mounts
6d21ba4 Set zygote process priority to -20 to speed up VM startup time.

* system/sepolicy/
a7209ab sepolicy: Add support for can_socket
ddc6d51 Rename sdcard_internal/external types.
c7d3828 isolated_app.te: Give permissions for using sdcardfs
2323996 isolated_app: allow access to pre-opened sdcard FDs
9d6a77b sepolicy: move sdcardfs media_rw_data_file rules to app.te
58ea713 sepolicy: allow sdcardd to remount sdcardfs

* vendor/cm/
997c92d sensitive_pn: Catch up with LOS

* vendor/cmsdk/
c46a903 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
b48061e oneplus3 update
0f553e9 lettuce: Update to crDroid v3.3
9c9f92f update herolte & hero2lte to build crDroidAndroid-7.1.2-20170603


* android/
65df762 manifest: Track libxml2

* external/sqlite/
ef8d4f9 sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.19.2
877aafb sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.19.1

* frameworks/base/
8a13912 Automatic translation import
2f074d0 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1
e5d5787 Revert "Disable Lockscreen Media Art [1/2]"

* packages/apps/CMParts/
db1ae70 Set android:configChanges for .PartsActivity

* packages/apps/Settings/
9d0198f Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
d8cc36c crdroid: Update features to cmsettings

* system/sepolicy/
d23c11f Add policy to fix interfacer derp on boot

* vendor/cmsdk/
f53bcaa Automatic translation import
4fba119 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
46e3523 falcon: Update to crDroid v3.3
a02e65c update for MI5 gemini
eb0d8b6 Update to V3.3
e905a03 Update changelog_gemini.txt
9620e13 update to v3.3
a0b9a5a Update m8 & m8d.
1d6aa43 Revert "Bring up OTA for gemini"


* bionic/
a4c134a bionic: arm64: generic: strcmp: align to cache and preload
a2eab6c libc: Optimize memmove for 32-bit kryo
230d138 Set __ARM_ARCH__ correctly for ARMv8 32bit builds
e3f34b9 libc: Use cortex-a15 strcmp for kryo and scorpion
85c4e74 libc: arm: add NEON-optimized memchr implementation from newlib
d32d9d2 libc: add optimized ARM64 strrchr from newlib
99babf2 libc: import ARM strcmp from newlib
e3e523d bionic: strip libc and linker
cee1e58 linker: convert 'mov pc' instruction to 'bx'
a105199 Check overflows in c-tor instead of doing it in d-tor
9639dd0 Increase map size for block allocator to 5 pages
f8c6137 linker: try remaining locations on library load failure
a372e19 Data connection not working due to invalid dns server used
0e5f4c5 Eliminate deadlock in forked child due to delayed resetting mutex lock
fa10eba libc: ARM: add Apple strcmp

* frameworks/base/
1780fa6 Fix SystemUI FC due to Google Assistant
2bdfbf3 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1
47b4fa0 Allow using grid style aosp recents [1/2]
3a315ac Double tap to sleep anywhere on the lock screen [1/3]
ef847f7 base: Disable Lockscreen Media Art [1/3]
a1b706d fw: Don't consume home key press when KEY_ACTION_SLEEP is used

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
ef3989b Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.18' into cm-14.1-caf-8916
40d378a Revert "audio HAL: fix thread starvation"

* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
d781d8f Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.18' into cm-14.1-caf-8916

* packages/apps/Settings/
dd4f773 Double tap to sleep anywhere on the lock screen [2/3]
6a704ce Settings: Disable Lockscreen Media Art [2/3]
b9f7eff Settings: Make string untranslatable

* packages/resources/devicesettings/
fe6b096 Automatic translation import

* vendor/cmsdk/
6a47344 Double tap to sleep anywhere on lock screen [3/3]
062bfa9 cmsdk: Disable Lockscreen Media Art [3/3]

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
97c344c Bring up OTA for gemini
84e7744 Rename changelog_gemini to changelog_gemini.txt
a1696a0 create Changelog_gemini


* art/
f8a7c16 art: strip libart
fdf53a3 Clean up some includes.
13633f3 Fix arena allocation counting.
3ceed98 Fix for building with clang master
14785b2 ART: add AArch32 support for rint intrinsics
58d8f26 Add ARM support for `floor` and `ceil` intrinsics.
e11ff43 Add ARM support for VRINT<X> instructions.
106bd3e Rename kCall to kCallOnMainOnly
21a3bc8 [BACKPORT] Lower daemons priority to 124 (art).
eba82ae Avoid accessing the heap without mutator lock in Monitor::Lock.
33bd842 ARM64: Clean-up and extend the supported cpu_variant list.
1a23da0 ARM: Update `ArmInstructionSetFeatures` to track ARMv8-A.
0db86cf ARM: Instruction set features clean-up.
b10a93a Remove the unused SMP instruction set feature option.
b9da1ed MIPS32: Fix MipsInstructionSetFeatures::FromVariant()
9a1a02a ART: Change InstructionSetFeatures to return unique_ptr
21af480 X86/X86_64: Switch to locked add from mfence
a2b0d18 ART: Change return types of field access entrypoints
202e9e7 Use delete/delete[] rather than free/realloc in tracedump
31b1fa3 Initialize Heap's collector pointers to null.
23a1fe6 Fix a race condition on GC timing logger data.
64bd0a7 Ensure we get a ProfilingInfo object before compiling.
5f099b0 ART: Print jit memory use only if we have samples
be2bec8 Load devirtualized methods directly in JIT mode
b1666cf Tune the GC ergnomics for the read barrier config.
2bf7459 ARM: Shorter fast-path for read barrier field load.
97a17ed Use _exit instead of exit for the system exit.
216fc62 Avoid visiting just eliminated bounds check.
a0207a7 Fix JIT crash due to unverified dead code
aa441e7 creating workflow for mirror::String compression
7f3d0d8 Clean up JNI calling convention callee saves.
c6aa035 ARM: Try to emit branches early to save memory.
3145642 Try to avoid allocation when interning strings.
a56770c ArraySet without type check does not need read barrier.
d4136c5 Fixed NeedsEnvironment()
69a6a41 ART: Remove vestiges of GCC
4131af5 ART: Remove -std=gnu++11
9a41675 ARM: Embed constants in add/sub-long.
b4a76bb ARM: Embed 0.0 in VCMP.
d965752 Align method code rather than method header in oat files.
1ba5901 ARM/ARM64: Improve Mterp */lit8 assembly.
4a33335 ARM64: Add comment to mterp int-to-long.
4dc540c ARM64: More mterp improvements.
407516f Revert "Revert "ART: Add Mterp export pc poison testing mode""
ea0cbd9 ARM64/x86-64: Fix mterp fill-array-data-payload pointer calculation.
3bbf884 ARM64: Fix mterp switch table pointer calculation.
df4a35a ARM64: Improve mterp cmpl/cmpg.
ded3cb3 ARM64: Improve Mterp.
2979df3 ARM: Use 64-bit literals for LoadDImmediate().
38a95e9 ARM: Remove unnecessary VMOV from float/double-to-int.
2e217b2 Refactor handling of input records.
c204bc0 Mark concrete HIR instructions as FINAL.
d38a71f Intrinsify String.length() and String.isEmpty() as HIR.
120e258 Re-enable most intrinsics with read barriers.
c5fcd93 build: Clean up common_build file and improve performance
0a45f67 tests: All or nothing
e66f94b ART: remove ART_JIT makefile variable
98b1b60 Speed up stack map related functions
5377db3 ARM: Add vldm/vstm assembler support.
cf403cc ARM: Fix shifted register offset mem address mode for load signed.
5ba4780 Thumb2: Clean up 16-bit LDR/STR detection.
de0772f ARM64: Use the zero register in the parallel-move resolver.
0f9069c Math Round Intrinsic Implementations For Java8.
23323fd Integer.bitCount and Long.bitCount intrinsics for ARM
3b1279c ARM assembler support for VCNT and VPADDL.
aa9ff19 ARM64: Ensure stricter alignment when loading and storing register pairs
cca5dda Optimize away useless masking operations on shift amounts.
74a0812 ARM64: Improve String.getCharsNoCheck intrinsic.
c2d5ee3 Add missing calls to `RecordSimplification()`.
1b6279e ARM: Add new String.compareTo intrinsic.
3b37cb8 ARM64: Move BIC after branch in StringCompareTo intrinsic.
543165e ARM64: Add new String.compareTo intrinsic.
d3c58ad Optimizing: Fix handling empty fill-array-data.
17f8dfd Use FdFile::Copy() in dex2oat for better error checking.
6f65079 ARM: Improve String.getCharsNoCheck intrinsic.
83bdfae Apply String.equals() optimizations on arm, arm64 and x86-64.
7974eca Clean up String.indexOf() intrinsics.
4a3b647 Improve String.indexOf() intrinsics.
830e136 ARM(64): Implement the isInfinite intrinsics
9881722 ARM64: Improve code generated to spill/restore for slow paths.
80ba439 Fix an assertion in the non-Baker read barrier ARM64 slow path.
fd75f8f ARM64: Shorter fast-path for read barrier field load.
6fa45ba Remove libLLVM* from art
25a4570 Fix a DCHECK failure in Arm64RelativePatcher with read barrier.
545635f Improvements in induction range analysis.
04b7db9 Cache result of an expensive DCHECK
66bbddd ARM64: Improve code generated to spill/restore for slow paths.
1e72ad6 Whitelist some more supported CPU types

* frameworks/base/
496596d Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
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into 7.1

* hardware/qcom/fm/
10a0e49 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/AudioFX/
a9e6e96 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
a1d4b44 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calendar/
1716e53 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Camera2/
1bd0645 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
f8d149a Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Contacts/
9e7d66e Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
23fb9c9 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CustomTiles/
bcc7ac9 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
245a33d Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Dialer/
871e09b Automatic translation import
2069638 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/
3ea2db7 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
16e9688 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/FMRadio/
22979c0 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
97a397b Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Jelly/
153b7b7 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
4b787a2 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Messaging/
824d9d3 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
bedcf82 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Recorder/
8c0b44d Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Snap/
d8c3f82 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Tag/
1dc7751 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
e4411d6 Automatic translation import
d13526b Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
into 7.1

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
8314f85 Automatic translation import

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
30c53af Automatic translation import

* packages/resources/devicesettings/
1935d69 Add fingerprint sleep strings

* packages/services/LiveLockScreenService/
15d4966 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telecomm/
65fe3b8 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telephony/
5c6ea38 Automatic translation import

* vendor/qcom/opensource/cryptfs_hw/
da6e595 cryptfs_hw: Fix stack out of bound issue


* packages/apps/Jelly/
0106448 Jelly: Enable adjust bounds for incognito image
c642120 Jelly: Never hide history view
ea83c6c Jelly: Use an observer to refresh the history view
837ec77 Add an indicator icon for incognito mode.
c35cc24 Jelly: Update android tools build

* packages/apps/Snap/
f68cddc SnapdragonCamera: Fix torch mode with continuous shot
c737df5 Revert "Snap: CaptureModule: lock exposure also when precapture trigger is started"
09a7a0b SnapdragonCamera: Camera2 force close after focused
018fdd0 SnapdragonCamera: GPS location can't be turn On in camera settings

* packages/apps/Terminal/
18225bd Terminal: all menu items should have their proper icon
ca41ebc Terminal: update main theme color for improved readability
0ec9d32 Terminal: fix preference defaults
5d69fc4 Terminal: volume keys as up/down


* device/motorola/msm8916-common/
3ee91a4 overlay: Disable SIM batch operations

* external/libxml2/
90ac1bd Fix spurious error message
81ac462 Check for trailing characters in XPath expressions earlier
c58e0f6 Rework final handling of XPath results
cc6babd Make xmlXPathEvalExpression call xmlXPathEval
568d598 Fix memory leak in xmlCanonicPath
c49405b Fix memory leak in xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue
79b2065 Fix memory leak in pattern error path
42cb5ea Fix memory leak in parser error path
35d58e7 Fix memory leaks in XPointer error paths
b4e5d1b Fix memory leak in xmlXPathNodeSetMergeAndClear
f79433a Fix memory leak in XPath filter optimizations
5bb4657 Fix memory leaks in XPath error paths
3aa21c9 Do not leak the new CData node if adding fails
1163f15 Prevent unwanted external entity reference
5881fa1 Increase buffer space for port in HTTP redirect support
f98efab Add an XML_PARSE_NOXXE flag to block all entities loading even local

* external/stagefright-plugins/
4089877 FFmpegExtractor: Don't use our extractor when we agree with StageFright

* frameworks/base/
6d48756 SystemUI: Specify user while changing brightness mode

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
d222af7 hwc: return correct color format string while layer dump

* packages/apps/Jelly/
020a697 Jelly: Don't accept cookies in incognito mode

* packages/apps/Snap/
26d9aec Fixed camera crash on exit

* packages/apps/Stk/
f9f50a5 Do not display toast if alpha text is null.

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
1a65ab8 Trebuchet: Sign with platform key

* vendor/crDroidOTA-devices/
23d8138 kippern v3.3
ffef3a7 crackling: Update open gapps link
ad43005 v500: Update to 3.3
7d30b89 crDroid v3.3
04096e3 Update remaining three klte variants.
38f788e Update 6/9 klte variants

Comment désactiver la led au chargement du mobile?

  • Sélectionner sur l'application "Paramètres",
  • Cliquer sur "Notifications",
  • Cliquer sur la "roue cranté" en haut droite de l’écran,
  • Vous verrez un onglet " voyant batterie ",
  • Cliquer pour la désactivé.

Source Code:
S'il vous plaît, Connexion ou S'inscrire pour voir le contenu ou les urls !

Vos retours sont les bienvenus​

Membre supprimé 3065

  • #2
Re: [EXCLU PHONANDROID][Rom Custom][7.1.2] CrDroid-V3.4 - Lux - By Lohanbarth

Salut voisin,bien joué,bravo et merci. :super:


  • #3
Re: [EXCLU PHONANDROID][Rom Custom][7.1.2] CrDroid-V3.4 - Lux - By Lohanbarth

Hello Fred et c'est avec plaisir :)


  • #4
Hello, poste mis à jour , la ROM et maintenant officielle :)


29 Juin 2015
  • #5
Qu'est-ce que cela change ?


  • #6
Bonsoir ....


19 Octobre 2014
  • #7
Bonsoir :)

J'ai testé la ROM, que je trouve bien plus stable que LineageOS, par contre j'ai un petit soucis, je n'arrive pas à installer Xposed.
Quand je flash le ZIP, le téléphone est brické (et là je dit merci les backup)

Je tiens à préciser que j'ai flashé le ZIP de Chainfire dans le but d'avoir SuperSU comme gestionnaire de Root.
Si quelqu'un avait une solution à mon problème, ce serait cool :)

Merci :)


  • #8
Hello les rom crdroid ne supporte pas xposed, c'est un problème de compatibilité avec les options crdroid.

la ro met pré rooté , il faut l'activé depuis les options dev. accès root > adb et appli.
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